Atomic Habits by James Clear
Mar 17, 2023
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Other than the Bible, the book I have read the most often is Atomic Habits by James Clear.
I have read this book repeatedly, including listening to the audio version many times.
You may be wondering, "Why would Dan read a book multiple times?"
Think of the last Non-Fiction book you read. Did you do any of the homework assignments.
Most of us confuse information gathering for learning.
The concepts in Atomic Habits by James Clear are activities that I want to embody, not simply understand.
So, I have read this book more times than I can count. Each time I have found at least one behavior that I can implement immediately.
Three Lessons Learned
As you can imagine, I have learned a lot of lessons from this book, but here are 3 powerful lessons that I have learned and begun putting into practice.
- Small habits lead to consistency.
- Systems outperform goals.
- Root your desired habits in your identity.
Clear goes into great detail on how these lessons play out. To get the most out of this book order it now.
Consistent Change
When you want to transform a desired behavior into a consistent habit, connect it with something that you already do.
Clear refers to this connection as habit stacking.
Here is an example from my own life. My chiropractor has encouraged me to ice my back regularly to reduce inflammation and increase mobility. When my chiropractor first recommended this, I was lucky to ice once a week.
However, while reading the atomic habits section on habit stacking, I realized that my wife and I sit on the couch and watch tv most nights as we decompress together.
So, each night after I turned off the tv, I would take the remote and set it near our deep freezer in the basement.
By placing the remote on the deep freezer, I had to physically go to the freezer prior to turning the tv on. While I was there it made sense to grab the ice and to place it on my back as I would be sitting for at least 20 minutes.
Your Future
What action are you struggling to make a habit even though you know it would benefit you?
- Making Connections
- Exercise
- Taking your Vitamins
- Reading Your Bible
- Creating Content
- Writing a Book
- Etc.
No matter what your big goals are, you are going to need habits that take you to success.
Tiny Habits or as Clear calls them, Atomic Habits will change your life.
Next Step
Order or download your copy of Atomic Habits by James Clear today.
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