Dream Big Review
May 09, 2023
Dream Big
Bob Goff is one of my favorite storytellers. When you combine Goff's ability to share pointed, clear, and vivid stories with his clear love of people, it is no wonder that he is one of the best communicators of our time.
In Dream Big, Bob shares his love of helping people find their purpose and live take live in that purpose.
This is a book for anyone who is looking for their purpose in life or unsure what direction to take next. If you read this book with an open heart and a love for Jesus, characterized by curiosity, this book will help you take the next step and plan for the long run.
While there are many lessons I took away from Dream Big and I’m sure you will too. Here are a couple of lessons, I am sharing with you so that you have a glimpse into what you are getting with this book.
These lessons are:
- You are Accepted
- Ambitions Shift
- Rest is Gathering Strength
- Don’t Worry About Perceptions
You are Accepted
"He (God) decided He would love you even before you decided you were interested in loving Him back. Even if God is no big deal to you, your life is a big deal to Him. You are some of His most creative work ever. Pursuing your ambitions needs to start from a position of acceptance, not compliance. Compliance only lasts until you decide you’re not going to comply anymore. We won’t be able to get to the best parts of our lives and faith without accessing the best parts of acceptance."
Many of us approach our God given ambitions with a great amount of fear that we will pursue the wrong ambitions or approach the right ambitions in the wrong way.
However, it is helpful for us to remember that in Christ, we are already accepted in God. Plus, God’s love is bigger than any mistakes we may make along the way.
What God-given ambition have you been avoiding out of fear when God has already accepted you?
Ambitions Shift
"While my early ambition to be a lawyer was good and right and helpful, it wasn’t long before my new ambition of helping kids outdistanced my ability to earn money practicing law. This will happen to you too as you evolve. It wasn’t that my decision to become a lawyer was a bad one. After a while, the differences I made as a lawyer just didn’t seem as significant or lasting to me as the differences I could make helping kids. So, one day I quit my job as a lawyer, and it was my own law firm."
Ambitions shift and change with the seasons of our lives.
Our ambitions often build on previous ambitions spurring us on to something bigger, better, and different with Jesus.
Often our ambitions and plans take us to where God wants us not where we fully expect to go.
When I was in Bible College, I wanted to work on staff at a church ministering to the local impoverished community.
God opened up an internship teaching suburban youth about God’s love for the poor. That internship opened up an opportunity to work at a church serving refugees.
When that pastor got let go and that opportunity dissolved, God opened up the opportunity to be a solo pastor at a church for almost 8 years, bi-vocationally.
As I walked into my next bi-vocational pastorate, God had placed in my heart a desire to coach and equip business minded Christians to live full and generous lives, empowering frontline ministry workers to work without worrying about finances.
That is a very short and condensed version of how I began coaching Christian Entrepreneurs.
My ambitions changed to get me where God was taking me not to keep me on the plan I understood.
Rest is Gathering Strength
"You’re not lazy when you rest. You’re plotting your next move and giving yourself the strength and perspective needed to finish the course."
This has been one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn.
Growing up the people I respected most seemed to always be moving and I developed a fear of being perceived as lazy.
Perhaps like me, you struggle to slow down and make sure that you are working on the right thing and build the resources to see it through because you are concerned about being seen as wasting time.
Take a rest today so that you can build up your strength and refocus on what God has for your.
Don’t Worry about Perceptions
"When you are writing down your ambitions and winnowing the list to what’s worth the pursuit, don’t worry about whether your dreams seem cool or flashy or religious or evangelical enough. People fall into this trap all the time. Appearances are a house of mirrors. They distort reality. They’ll make your ambitions look thinner or fatter or more unreasonable and twisted than they really are. The same is true about appearances if faith guides you. Don’t waste your time worrying about what will make you look good or pious or holy. Take action because you’re able to and because you believe that God is good and all that really matters is that you’re His."
Take time to identify your God-given dreams as separate from what you think your God-given dreams should look and sound like.
Choose the dreams that God has for you not the ones that simply sound holy.
Remember these lessons from Dream Big:
You are accepted.
Your ambitions will shift.
Rest is gathering strength not being lazy.
And don’t worry about how other people perceive your big dreams.
Dream Big
I pray and hope that you are encouraged and empowered to take action in pursuing your God-given Big Dreams as you read Dream Big by Bob Goff.
To get your copy of Dream Big click on any of the links below:
On Audible
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