Thank You for Praying: Update on Jed
Jun 06, 2023
Thank You & Update
Thank you so much for praying.
Jed did fantastic for his proceedure.
In under 10 minutes of them taking Jed into the surgery area, they were wheeling him back into his room.
The flower bud is finally out of Jed's ear.
Anesthesia Quotes
There were a few funny moments when Jed was home but had not yet gotten the medicine out of his system.
Here are a few of the humorous things Jed said while recovering from anesthesia.
- "How did I get in the chair?"
- "I didn't even count and I was asleep."
- "I'm not allowed to walk anymore."
- "Why is gravity trying to pull me down?"
The last is my favorate especially because it was said while he was walking like a raptor, with his arms tucked in, back straight, knees deeply bent, and on his tip-toes. He had just tried to insist that he could walk without help from daddy.
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