Traded God's Vision for "Safety"?
Mar 02, 2023
Have you traded the vision God placed in your heart for "Safe"?
We have been sold a false narrative.
We have been led to believe that the “American dream” is synonymous with godly stewardship.
While the “American Dream” is not inherently evil, it has distracted far too many of us from pursuing our God-given dreams.
The “American Dream” feels safe.
As long as we go to college, work in a job that we can tolerate, and make it to retirement, we will own our own home and be able to experience the “good life.”
Unfortunately, I have been talking to more and more people who have followed the blue print for the American Dream, putting off the call of God on their life for later only to arrive at retirement age and inflation has erased a great deal of their safety net.
Many people have sacrificed God's calling on their life by pursuing perceived safety only to find that their choice wasn't as safe as they believed.
If you are seeking to redirect your life and chase the vision God has given you, I would love to help you along in that process.
I have begun revamping Lead Like Jesus into a community rather than a product.
In this community, you will have access to:
- Live Monthly AMAs (Ask Me Anything) opportunities.
- 24/7/365 Community Forum where you can be empowered and encouraged in a community of passionate Christ followers committed to pursuing the vision God has given them.
- Access to On-Demand courses that will empower you as you pursue God's call on your life. Courses have begun production and will include:
- How to Rest in a Godly way.
- Find your Purpose.
- Embrace your Why.
- Who has God called you to serve?
- and many more to come.
Chase your God-given vision rather than a false safety.
If you are interested in experiencing the Lead Like Jesus Community for Entrepreneurs, your first month is my gift to you. Claim at checkout by entering the promo code: FIRSTMONTH
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