The Meaning of Value
Apr 04, 2023
The Meaning of Value
Recently, I was challenged with my use of the word “Value”, and I hope that this blog will provide context and definition to what I say.
The critique was that the borrowed phrase of “Adding Value,” implies that I am adding value to a person’s worth, something that only God can do.
That is in no way my intention when my email signature or auto responders say, “I look forward to adding value to you.
I completely agree that God is the only one who can determine the intrinsic value of an individual.
History of the Phrase
My use of the phrase has been borrowed from the business world in general and specifically from my mentor John C. Maxwell.
During an intensive training with John Maxwell, I heard John encourage those present and myself to be, “People of value, who add value to people.”
I deeply desired that when my business and I would grow in our capacity to be a benefit and blessing to those that we serve, increasing profit and value of my clients’ businesses and empower my clients to be increasingly generous with those God has placed around my clients.
As followers of Jesus, I believe we should add value and blessings to the lives of those around us. Another way of saying this is, we should make positive impacts on people’s lives rather than negative impacts.
When I started my business coaching business, Dan Hendon Enterprises, I incorporated this language of “adding value,” to communicate the desire, I have, to make a positive impact on the lives of those I interact with and serve.
Current Day
As my business has grown and developed, my business’ vocabulary has evolved and shifted to focus on the specific value that I offer.
Here are a few examples of this shift”
“I help business owners and entrepreneurs create balance and freedom in their lives.”
“Helping business owners and entrepreneurs to stop asking, “Money, may I?” and start asking, “Jesus, should I?
“Empowering business owners to focus on the work God created them for.”
Not Eliminated
However, in my systems you may encounter some of my previous vernacular, of “adding value.”
Still, my desire is to add value to the businesses and lives of those I serve, so I am not rushing to change all of the verbiage my systems, but I wanted to provide clarity on what I mean when I way, “I look forward to adding value to you.”
I look forward to blessing you and having a positive impact on your life.
Look Out
Keep your eye open for the upcoming blog, Responsibility for Communication.
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